
Please click on  Catalogue to view the garments.
We offer following garment printing services.

Screen printing
It is a printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink-blocking stencil.
The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh that transfer ink as a sharp-edged
image onto a substrate.
 A roller or squeegee is moved across the screen stencil, forcing or pumping ink past
the threads of the  woven mesh in the open areas.

screen printing sample

These are the basic steps for creating embroidery with a computerized embroidery machine.
– purchase or create a digitized embroidery design file
– edit the design and/or combine with other designs (optional)
– load the final design file into the embroidery machine
– stabilize the fabric and place it in the machine
– start and monitor the embroidery machine

embroidery sample

DTG Printing
Direct to garment printing, also known as DTG printing, digital garment printing and inkjet to garment printing is a process of printing on textiles and garments using specialized or modified inkjet technology.
The two key requirements of a DTG printer are a transport mechanism for the garment and specialty inks(inkjet textile inks) that are applied to the textile directly and are absorbed by the fibers. Most direct to garment printers are manufactured from pre-existing Epson inkjet printers, with exceptions where DTG printers have been built using lower-resolution industrial inkjet print heads like those found in large-format printers used to print signs and banners. Direct to garment printers boast the largest print area and lowest ink cost of any tabletop inkjet to garment printer.      

Vinyl Cutting & Transfer
Great for heat application onto porthole mesh practice jerseys for basketball and football. Vinyl is extremely durable and features a strong opacity once heat applied.